Philatelist and philatelic exhibitor, Greg Balagian, compiled a colorful two-volume catalog, Wild Cats in Art (2010), with stamp photos and enlargements.

On November 17, 2021, Cat Writer Mollie Hunt launched her 8th Crazy Cat Lady cozy mystery, Adventure Cat. The story starts five years after cat shelter volunteer Lynley Cannon discovered a gym bag in a warehouse. Inside the bag were a kitten, a cat toy, and ten thousand dollars. Then shots began to fly. Now, half a decade later, Lynley is thrown back with the very people from whom she’d been running. A clean, cozy read with lots of cats!

Biologist and conservationist, Jim Sanderson, Ph.D., has co-authored  a comprehensive book, Small Wild Cats: The Animal Answer Guide (2011).

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​Ramona D. Marek is an award-winning freelance writer whose book, Cats for the Genius (2016), answers many questions baffling cat owners.

The latest book by biologist and conservationist, Jim Sanderson, Ph.D., is the limited edition, A Monograph of the Felidae or Family of the Cats (2020). Full descriptions of all 41 species of felines are explored in the six-part series encompassing 450 pages obtainable by subscription only. For more information, you can contact Jim:

Talented members of our Cats on Stamps Study Unit have written fantastic books!

​Laura Vocelle's Revered and Reviled: A Complete History of the Domestic Catis a fascinating 400-page anthology (2016).

Mollie Hunt is the author of The Crazy Cat Lady series featuring Portlander Lynley Cannon, a sixty-something cat shelter volunteer who finds more trouble than a cat in catnip. The seventh book, Cat Conundrum, was launched in 2020She is the winner of the World’s Best Cat "Litterary" Award in 2019 for a book in another series titled Cat's Paw

​Launched on December 21, 2020, Mollie's  book 2 of the of the Cat Seasons Tetralogy, Cat Winter, centers on Slayter, the obsidian feline, one of the selected few.

Jack the Station Cat Takes a Holiday is Alan Cliff's 15th book in a series for children about the tuxedo cat and his friends (2016).
